Races of Eternira ( Basic Info )


These are races who have evolved similarly, or along humans. They follow the same anatomical rules, and the same life structure.


These are the races who fall outside the norm. They bear less similarities to humans, or possess unusual qualities such as immortality or a lack of bodily needs.



"Humanoid" as a descriptor encompasses races such as: Humans, Elves, Fortiens, and Halflings.

These races are similar in that they have the same bodily needs, have ( more or less ) the same weaknesses, and have similar anatomy.

Humanoid races are the most common in Eternira. They are the norm, and they have the most advantages and receive the least discrimination.,

They easily find food suited for their diets, and clothes tailored to their bodies, and unlike non-humanoids, are always welcomed in every establishment.



"Non-humanoid" refers to races which either did not evolve similarly to humans or which present significant anatomical differences.

These include, but are not limited to: Angelfolk, Familiars, Fae, and Void people.

Every sentient being that falls outside the norm is also considered apart of the non-humanoid category.

These can even include humanoids with unusual mutations not found in multiple individuals.

Examples include: Humanoids with unexplained non-magical powers; Humanoids with strange unexplained anatomy; etc.

Non-humanoids are often discriminated against, forbidden from entering multiple types of establishments including but not limited to: taverns, churches and temples, schools.
