Races of Eternira


The most common race.




Human are the most common race of Eternira, found in all corners of the world.


Humans, unlike elves and fortians, come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Their body types differ drastically from person to person, and they have a greater variation of skin, eye, and hair colors.

Their anatomy makes them optimal for many environments, but they are less resistant to harsh weather.

Several mutations of the human race exist. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Vampires;
  • Werewolves;
  • Ghouls;
  • Nymphs;
  • Etc.


They have well-defined gender roles. Those who deviate from the norm are often criticized.

A majority of humans believe no more than two genders exist, often ignoring concepts of gender that do not match their worldview and calling the non-typical genders of other races “made up”.


Being very social creatures, humans get along well with every other humanoid race, and most non-humanoid.

They heavily depend on others for support, and are not made for solitary lifestyles.

Amongst all the races, humans have the most diverse fashion. Many styles have been created since the inception of the new world.