Races of Eternira


Elves are the most ancient people of Eternira. They are the second most common race, only being surpassed in number by humans.




Elves are the second most magical race. Although not as built for it, their bodies channel magic better than other humanoids. They are agile, often thin, easily worn out by overusing magic.

Where fortiens focus on using magic for longer, yet not as effective periods, elves can use magic in shorter, but more efficient bursts. Elf wizards are often the most powerful, but also deteriorate the fastest.


They have long, thin ears, often pointed upward. An old legend claims this was a feature given to them so that they could communicate with the gods better than any other race could.

Elves have evolved in cold climates, meaning they are more well adjusted to them. Most elves, excluding some subtypes, have fair skin and light-coloured eyes. Their skin is always clear, and they cannot grow much body hair at all.


For elves, gender is a complicated subject. They hold the concept to a very high regard, although they do not partake in gender roles, at least the way humans do. Women were expected to be gatherers, while men were expected to hunt, but otherwise the difference in the way they were treated ( and still are, to this day ) was minimal.

Transgender individuals are treated with respect, the general consensus being that the god of life does make mistakes.


They are a very social race, especially amongst their own. In the past, elvish cities were very common. This was before the new world, when all races began living together all over the globe.

Communities of elves were very caring towards one another. The old and disabled were taken care of especially well, with everyone pitching in. Children were often raised by the entire community, sharing responsibilities to help the parents out.

Nowadays, most elves still choose to live in countries that have a colder climate, usually in neighborhoods where many other elves reside.

They tend to think lowly of some other races, primarily halflings. This has improved in recent times.