Races of Eternira


A strange race of human-angel children.




Angelfolk are serious, somber people. They were originally people born out of angel-human parents, but have become their own race classification since.


They have wings along their bodies, usually seen on the hips, ankles, and ears. They can sprout big wings out of their back, which they use for quick transportation.

They have fully white eyes, and are often covered in white freckles.

Angelfolk do not significantly differ from humans otherwise.

Because of their angel blood, they are not capable of using magic at all. They cannot be born with it, and it cannot be learned. Trying so may result in injury.


Angelfolk have a concept of gender similar to humans, but they do not have gender roles.


They’re very solitary, rarely forming bonds or seeking out companions. Most describe them as humorless, closed-off, and aloof.

Many see them as eerie or forces not to be reckoned with, but in truth they are much less powerful than “pure” angels.

Between all the races, they wear the least amounts of clothes, usually loose fabrics which reveal a lot of skin.